Pupil Premium

Grants from the Department for Education 

Pupil Premium Grant 

In 2011 the coalition Government announced additional funding to schools to help us support children who are entitled to Free School Meals.  Nationally, the attainment data shows that children who are entitled to FSMs (Free School Meals) don't do as well as those children who are not entitled.  The Government gives Chestnuts additional money for every child who is entitled to free school meals and we are  asked to account for how we spend the money, making sure it makes a real difference to children's lives.  We are very proud of the attainment of our children at Chestnuts and use our pupil premium money to specifically make sure that children entitled to FSMs make good and outstanding progress. Attached is the DfE guidance on how we can spend the funds for more information but broadly we receive £1,320 for each child entitled to Free School Meals. 

We also receive Pupil Premium Plus.  This is additional funding for those children who have been adopted, long term fostered or under special guardianship. Each child eligible will receive an additional allowance of £1,320 per annum to help us support them with their learning.  Attached is a financial report showing how we are spending this money over the next twelve months. 


If you have any queries please do contact us for more information 


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