Saying NO to bullying
Anti-Bullying Policy
Statement of Intent
At Chestnuts Primary School we are committed to providing a warm, caring and safe environment for all our children so that they can learn and play in a relaxed and secure environment. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our school. We take all incidents of bullying seriously. Bullying hurts. No-one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect and pupils who are bullying others need to learn different ways of behaving. At Chestnuts Primary School, we acknowledge that bullying does happen from time to time – indeed, it would be unrealistic to claim that it does not. When bullying does occur, everyone should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively in accordance with our anti-bullying policy. We are a TELLING school. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.
Aims and Objectives of this Policy
The aim of this policy is to try and prevent and deal with any behaviour deemed as bullying. The implementation of this policy will create an ethos where bullying is regarded as unacceptable so that a safe and secure environment is created for everyone to learn and work in. All members of the school have a responsibility to recognise bullying when it occurs and take appropriate action in accordance with the school policy. This will happen in the following ways:
The school will meet the legal requirement for all schools to have an anti-bullying policy in place.
The school will work closely with other professional agencies to ensure that children stay safe.
All governors, teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils and parents/carers will have an understanding of what bullying is.
All governors, teaching and non-teaching staff will know what the school policy is on bullying and will consistently and swiftly follow it when bullying is reported.
All pupils and parents/carers will know what the school policy is on bullying and what they can do if bullying occurs.
Pupils and parents/carers will be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
Whole school initiatives (staff training, celebration assemblies etc) and proactive teaching strategies (PHSE [Personal, Health & Social Education] lessons, circle time etc) will be used throughout the school to reduce the opportunities for bullying to occur.
A positive, caring ethos will be created within the school environment where everyone can work, play and express themselves, free from the fear of being bullied
What Is Bullying?
The school has adopted the following collaborative definition of bullying which is our shared understanding of what bullying is:
Bullying is any deliberate, hurtful, upsetting, frightening or threatening behaviour by an individual or a group towards other people. It is repeated over a period of time and it is very difficult for the victims to defend themselves (remember STOP – it happens Several Times on Purpose). Bullying is mean and results in worry, fear, pain and distress to the victim’s.
Bullying can be:
Emotional being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures), ridicule, humiliation
Verbal name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, threats, teasing, making rude remarks, making fun of someone
Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching, throwing stones, biting, spitting, punching or any other forms of violence, taking or hiding someone’s things
Racist racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, making fun of culture and religion
Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive or sexist comments
Homophobic because of/or focussing on the issue of sexuality
Online/cyber setting up ‘hate websites’, sending offensive text messages, emails and abusing the victims via their mobile phones
Any unfavourable or negative comments, gestures or actions made to someone relating to their disability or special educational needs.
It is important to understand that bullying is not the odd occasion of falling out with friends, name calling, arguments or when the occasional trick or joke is played on someone. It is bullying if it is done several times on purpose (STOP). Children sometimes fall out or say things because they are upset. When occasional problems of this kind arise it is not classed as bullying. It is an important part of children’s development to learn how to deal with friendship breakdowns, the odd name calling or childish prank. We all have to learn how to deal with these situations and develop social skills to repair relationships.
Where does bullying happen?
It can happen anywhere – in the classroom, in the corridor, in the toilets, in the dining hall, in the playground. Bullying may also happen on the way to and from school. In such cases, the Head teacher is empowered by law to deal with such incidents but must do so in accordance with the school’s policy.
At Chestnuts Primary School, we are concerned with our children’s conduct and welfare outside as well as inside school and we will do what we can to address any bullying issues that occur off the school premises. The following steps may be taken:
Talk to the local Community Police Officer about problems on the streets
Talk to the transport companies about bullying on buses and in school
Talk to the Head Teachers of other schools whose children may be involved in bullying off the premises
Map out safe routes to school for children, linking them to the School Travel Plan
Discuss coping strategies with parents
Talk to the children about how to handle or avoid bullying outside the school premises
Signs and Symptoms
A child may indicate, by different signs or behaviour, that he or she is being bullied.
Adults should be aware of these possible signs and investigate further if a child:
is frightened of walking to or from school
doesn’t want to go on the school/in the taxi
begs to be driven to school
changes their usual routine/route to school
begins truanting
becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence
starts stammering
attempts or threatens suicide or runs away
cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
feels ill in the morning
begins to under perform in school work
comes home with clothes torn or books damaged
has possessions go “missing”
asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay the bully)
has dinner or other monies continually “lost”
has unexplained cuts or bruises
comes home starving (money/snack/sandwiches have been stolen)
becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable
starts swearing or using aggressive language for no apparent reason
is bullying other children or siblings
stops eating
is frightened to say what’s wrong
gives improbable excuses for any of the above
These signs and behaviours could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be taken seriously and investigated as soon as possible.
What can you do if you are being bullied?
Wherever you are in school, you have the right to feel safe. Nobody has the right to make you feel unhappy. If someone is bullying you, it is important to remember that it is not your fault and there are people who can help you.
The children were all asked this question and we have included some of their strategies in the list below:
Try not to let the bully know that he/she is making you feel upset.
Try to ignore them.
Be assertive – stand up to them, look at them directly in the eye, tell them to stop and mean it.
Stay in a group, bullies usually pick on individuals.
Get away as quickly as you can.
Tell someone you can trust – it can be a teacher, a teaching assistant, a midday supervisor, a parent, a friend, a brother, a sister or a relative.
If you are scared, ask a friend to go with you when you tell someone.
When you tell an adult about the bullying give them as many facts as you can (What? Who? Where? When? Why? How?).
Keep a diary of what’s been happening and refer to it when you tell someone .
Keep on speaking out until someone listens and helps you.
Never be afraid to do something about it and quick.
Don’t suffer in silence.
Don’t blame yourself for what is happening.
Call a helpline.
What can you do if you see someone else being bullied? (The role of the bystander)
Ignoring bullying is cowardly and unfair to the victim. Staying silent means the bully has won and gives them more power. There are ways you can help without putting yourself in danger. The children have also discussed this question in class and some of the strategies they suggested are listed below:
Don’t smile or laugh at the situation.
Don’t rush over and take the bully on yourself.
Don’t be made to join in.
If safe to do so, encourage the bully to stop bullying.
If you can, let the bully know you do not like his or her behaviour.
Shout for help.
Let the victim(s) know that you are going to get help.
Tell a member of staff as soon as you can.
Try and befriend the person being bullied.
Encourage the person to talk to someone and get help.
Ask someone you trust about what to do.
If you don’t feel you can talk to someone about it, write it down and post it in the ‘Worry’ box.
Call a helpline for some advice.
Bullying of children with Special Educational Needs
Chestnuts Primary School is an inclusive school. We provide a secure, accepting, safe and stimulating environment where everyone is valued for who they are.
We have some children who have learning disabilities and/or communication difficulties. Everyone involved in the school is very aware that these children can be especially vulnerable to bullying and we are therefore particularly vigilant at all times.
High attainers, gifted or talented pupils can also be affected by bullying. Staff will treat this type of bullying as seriously and in the same way as any other type of bullying.
Procedures for reporting and responding to bullying incidents
All staff will respond calmly and consistently to all allegations and incidents of bullying at Chestnuts Primary School. They will be taken seriously by all staff and dealt with impartially and promptly. All those involved will have the opportunity to be heard. Staff will protect and support all children involved whilst allegations and incidents are investigated and resolved.
The following step-by-step procedure will be used for reporting and responding to bullying allegations or incidents:
- Report all bullying allegations and incidents to staff.
- Staff will make sure the victim(s) is and feels safe.
- Appropriate advice will be given to help the victim(s).
- Staff will listen and speak to all children involved about the incident separately.
- The problem will be identified and possible solutions suggested.
- Staff will attempt to adopt a problem solving approach which will move children on from them having to justify their behaviour.
- Appropriate action will be taken quickly to end the bullying behaviour or threats of bullying.
- Staff will reinforce to the bully that their behaviour is unacceptable.
- The bully (bullies) may be asked to genuinely apologise. Other consequences may take place and appropriate sanctions applied
- If possible, the pupils will be reconciled.
- An attempt will be made, and support given, to help the bully (bullies) understand and change his/her/their behaviour.
- In cases of serious bullying, the incidents will be recorded by staff on the standard Incident Report Sheet. All reports will be kept in a file by the Deputy Head Teacher
- In serious cases parents will be informed and will be invited to come into school for a meeting to discuss the problem.
- After the incident has been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.
- Bullying incidents will be discussed regularly at staff meetings.
- The Safeguarding Governor will present termly reports on serious bullying incidents to the Governors.
- If necessary and appropriate, the Child Protection Officer in school, Social Services or police will be consulted.
The following sanctions may be used:
The children have also discussed this question in their classes and some of the sanctions they suggested are included in the list below:
Apologise to the victim(s) verbally or in writing
Lose privileges
Lose playtimes (stay with class teacher, write lines or do extra work)
Stand outside the Headteacher’s office
Spend playtimes and lunchtimes with an adult
Parents will be invited in to school
Go on a self-improvement report
Be removed from class and work in isolation
Report to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher
Be withdrawn from participation in school visit, clubs and events not essential to the curriculum.
Fixed term exclusion
Permanent exclusion
Strategies for the prevention and reduction of bullying
Whole school initiatives and proactive teaching strategies will be used throughout the school to develop a positive learning environment with the aim of reducing the opportunities for bullying to occur.
These can include:
Involving the whole school community in writing and reviewing the policy
Undertaking regular questionnaires and surveys to monitor the extent of bullying in the school and the effectiveness of the anti-bullying policy
Producing a ‘child speak’ version of the policy for the children
Each class agreeing on their own set of class rules
Making national anti-bullying week a high profile event each year
Awareness raising through regular anti-bullying assemblies
PHSE (Personal, Health & Social Education) scheme of work from Reception to Year 6 used to support this policy
Circle time on bullying issues
Setting up of a circle of friends support network where a small group of children volunteer to help and support an individual experiencing difficulties
Children writing stories and poems and drawing pictures about bullying
Children being read stories about bullying
Using drama activities and role-plays to help children be more assertive and teach them strategies to help them deal with bullying situations
Creation of an anti-bullying school notice board in the school library
Prominently displaying anti-bullying posters produced by the children around the school
Introduction of a confidential ‘Worry’ box where children and parents/guardians can write and post their concerns and ideas
Introducing playground improvements and initiatives
Training Y5 or Y6 pupils to be Playground Mediator
Implementation of the Positive Play Programme
Using praise and rewards to reinforce good behaviour
Encouraging the whole school community to model appropriate behaviour towards one another
Organising regular anti-bullying training for all staff
Monitoring and evaluation of the policy To ensure this policy is effective, it will be regularly monitored and evaluated. Questionnaires completed by the whole school community, together with surveys, focus groups, children’s and parents’/carers comments posted in the ‘Worry’ box and bullying incident forms will be used to gauge the effectiveness of the policy. Following an annual review any amendments will be made to the policy and everyone informed. An annual report will then be issued to governors and parents and the policy will be distributed to all parents.
Sources of further information, support and help There is a vast amount of information and guidance available about bullying that can provide a wide range of support and help. The following list is just a small selection of the support available that teachers, parents and children have found useful.
Updated October 2015
Name of organisation |
Telephone number |
Website |
Act Against Bullying |
0845 230 2560 |
Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) |
0207 704 3370 |
Anti-bully |
not available |
Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) |
0207 843 1901 |
Anti-bullying Network |
0131 651 6103 |
Beatbullying |
0845 338 5060 |
Bully Free Zone |
01204 454 958 |
Bullying Online |
020 7378 1446 |
not available |
Childline |
0800 1111 (helpline for children) |
Kidscape |
020 7730 3300 (general enquiry number) |
0207 825 2500 |
Parentline Plus |
0808 800 2222 |
The Children’s Legal Centre |
0800 783 2187 |
The Office of the Children’s Commissioner |
0844 800 9113 | |
UK Government Website |
not available |