School Council - Pupil Voice
Chestnuts Primary School
What is the purpose of our school council?
We believe that our school council should provide the pupils who go to Chestnuts with a voice. We want to work together to make Chestnuts a place where all children feel safe, respected and valued. We will do this by promoting our school values in various ways.
We have broken our school council into four committees in order to be most successful. We feel that these four goups align with our school aims and will help us to be more impactful as a school council. We are currently organizing next years agenda and have a lot of exciting ideas on the go!
Each class has a representative from each of our school houses (apple, orange, apricot and cherry). It is the job of these representatives to meet with their class and create a channel for childrens thoughts and opinions to be carried up to SLT. We also have a link governor who will attend meetings and report back to the Governing Body on things we have achieved or need help to achieve. As a school council we used our houses to divide into four committees. Each committee is responsible for looking after their area and finding ways the whole school can be involved. Below are a summary of each committee and what they are responsible for. We are really looking forward to next year and all the amazing things we will do!
The rights, respect and responsibility group
The community group
The wellbeing group
ECO schools group